Monday 9 April 2012

I guess it's been a while...

I haven't posted in a long time.  I'm not sure if anyone will care or even read this.
There have been times I have really missed writing but I felt and still feel like my contribution to the beauty blog community was lacking.  I needed inspiration.
I created a new blog today (should I leave a link?)- I haven't posted to it yet I'm not even sure if I will.  Maybe I'll start over here but I feel that if I am going to do this again I need a fresh start. 
Maybe I'll see you there?

Sunday 2 January 2011

New Years Resolutions

Like most people at the start of the new year I always make a few resolutions of things to do or not do in the months ahead.  Along with the usual things like lose some weight, spend less and save more, I try to include some which I might actaully be able to keep.  So here goes for 2011 -
1.) Return to Paris.  My last (and so far only other) trip to Paris was over two years ago and it was far too short so I'm determined to make it back this year and properly explore.
2.) Be a more diligent blogger.  I have so many ideas for upcoming posts but I always seem to struggle to find the time.  I need to be more organised and start planning my posts and pictures.  I also need to find some better lighting.
3.) Read more.  I have always been a total bookworm but over the last twelve months I don't seem to have spent as much time as I would like reading.  Browsing the internet and watching terrible t.v. reruns have taken up an increasing amount of my time and I think it's time to refind my passion for books.
What are your resolutions for the year ahead?

Friday 24 December 2010

Looks like it's Christmas

Most bloggers will probably try and give you classic christmas songs to enjoy at this time of year - I'm bucking the trend and offering a truely cheesey slice of pop that really takes me back to school discos and crushing on cute boys. Ahhh those were the days. Enjoy now because if you can't listen to terrible music at christmas then when can you?

Thursday 23 December 2010

So far this week

Anyone else sick of all this arctic weather Britain has been experiencing lately?  Sure the white stuff may be pretty to look at but it's also proving pretty debilitating to life in general. 
So here is a moan about snow thinly disguised as a quick update on my week so far.  I have ...
1.) De-snowed/ de-iced my car five times.  Each time being left a sodden, frozen mess with frost bitten fingers.
2.) Spent two hours travelling the four(ish) miles home from work in a blizzard.  To clarify - about one and a half of those hours was getting out of the car park in gridlocked traffic.  Only to find that for the first time EVER I failed to get my car safely tucked up at home and had to park and walk the last half a mile. 
3.) Wasted tickets to the ballet to watch the Nutcracker as the weather made travelling condiitons too hazardous.
4.) Spent more hours than is necessary/healthy obsessively watching weather updates and checking my postcode online for hourly reports.
5.) Eagerly anticipated the few days off I will have for christmas - I seriously can't wait!
Have you been enjoying the weather or has it just got you enraged?

Tuesday 21 December 2010

A Little Birthday Treat

Hi guys I'm so sorry posting has been a little light lately - I'm struggling a little bit to be honest due to bad lighting.  I haven't been able to photograph anything as it always seems to be dark by the time I get home and my days off are a rush of a million and one christmas errands.  It was also my birthday this month so I'm desperate to share my new make-up treasure with you.  But I'm thinking I'll do a larger post after christmas with some new goodies as I think Santa may be bringing me some treats too!
In the meantime here is a little gift I bought for myself with some birthday cash...
DVF new season love is life keyring currently available from
Hope you are all well

Friday 17 December 2010

Black Friday

Today is so called black friday.  The last friday before christmas and the day that lots of people choose to go out partying meaning the emergency services are at their busiest.  Luckily for me my christmas party was last week so I can snuggle up at home tonight and avoid the crowds.   Here's my fantasy party outfit for 2010.  I am completely in love with those Gucci suede shoes.  My actual outfit was pretty similar but much more budget friendly.
Hope you have a great time if you are out this weekend!

Sunday 12 December 2010


Nars Orgasm.
I usually use this for my toes but thought I'd change it up and apply to my fingers.  I wasn't all that sold at first although looking at these pictures maybe I have underestimated it.  It is a peach shade which has a gorgeous gold shimmer throughout that looks lovely when it catches the light.